Went to the Biggest Japanese Toy and Figure Wonder Festival 2016 Winter

What’s Wonder Festival

I think this Wonder Festival is biggest event for figure, toy, anime and cosplay all over Japan with more than 50000 visitors in 2016.

Wonder Festival was first held in 1984 and since then every year it has held until now with the big growth of visitors nowadays.
Its dealers were less than 100 in 1984 but it is 1896 in 2016.

Every year famous Seiyu (voice actor) of anime, comic artist, producer, etc comes and talk on stage.
You can buy Pre-Release and limited items in this wonder festival.

If you like Japanese anime or subculture things this is

must-see event

in Japan.

But please prepare your mind as there is always very long cue and it often takes more than 30 minutes until you get in after arrival at the venue.

Report of Wonder Festival 2016 Winter

Wonder Festival 2016 Winter is held on 7th February 2016.

I think I arrived at its venue about 11 O’clock but it took more than 30 minutes to get in.
Inside there was already so many people.
First I could found big life size figure of Toyohisa Shimazu.

This was very cool!

Toyohisa Shimazu

I went to booth of Kaiyodo.

I found many figures of Kaiyodo. And what attracted me most was wonder festival original Takeya Style Dragon.
This is cool so I decided to buy it! Kaiyodo is famous for its high quality figures.


I lined up again long cue for figures of Kantai collection and Jojo’s bizzare figure. Both are limited figures in this event.

Jojo's bizarre adventure Figure

Kantai Collection Figure

This was my first time for shooting cosplay people.
I’ve never thought of shooting them in my life.

But why did I do?

I wanted to put them onto this website.
It was embarrassing to ask them but all of them replied me “of course” with smile so I’m really relieved.

I’m surprised as they know how to being shot.
I didn’t ask anything but all of them made pose at every shooting.

And I found it is very difficult to shoot people and found it is interesting to shoot people at the same time.
I decided to learn more about camera shooting.

This became very good experience to me.



Cosplay Ultraman's costume

I found figure of street fighter displayed.

I often played street fighter when I was child but I always lost battle.
I even can’t use fire ball so my favorite was HK, haha.
It was about 50 yen for 1 game but I think now most games are 100 yen now in game arcade.

Street Fighter Ryu

I’m surprised at finding this big doll.
It was really well made


What’s this big tank?

I think this is for GIRLS und PANZER that themed this kind of heavy weapon.

Big Tank

Found Ajin.
Great work!


This is Itasya.

Itasya is a car painted with anime characters.
You can see Itasya in Akihabara or even Ita Motorcycle.

Stands next to Itasya is cosplayer for this Itasya.

Itasya and cosplayer

Life size figure of Jojo.

Cool posing!!

Jojo's bizzare adventure

Ninjya tartles arrives!!
Where is Pizza!!

Mutant Tartles TMNT

So Cool Macross!
Nice moment between jet and robot!!


One Piece LUFFY
Cool Kabuki style!
This is really great work!!

One Piece LUFFY

Konnosuke from Toukenranbu was walking around.

Toukenranbu Konnosuke

I enjoyed a lot this Wonder Festival 2016 Winter.
Next Wonder Festival is Summer, I can’t wait!!

Makuhai Messe

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