Japanese Zodiac Sign 2025 and Predictions!
Happy New Year! We have 12 animals in Japanese Zodiac! Each animals has each characters and traits. Let’s check the…
What is Silver Ratio of Japan and Japanese Architecture?
Many of us heard of Gold Ratio but not about Silver Ratio. What is Silver Ratio? Silver Ratio is the…
What is the Meaning of Shachihoko of Japanese Castle? What for?
Have you ever seen fish-like statue on the top of Japanese castles or old houses? That is called Shachihoko. But…
Japanese Zodiac 2024 Predictions! Year of Dragon!!
Every year, we have a certain animal which represents the year in Japan. That is called Eto (干支), or Japanese…
Meaning of Pile of Salt Mori Shio (Morijio) in front of Restaurant
If you have ever been to Japan, you might have seen little triangle pile of salt. Especially, right in front…
What is Mono no Aware? Introduction and Example!
Mono no Aware is really a Japanese word which can not be translated directly into English. Even I, a Japanese,…
What’s Omikuji on New Year and how to handle Bad Fortune?
Happy New Year!! 2022 started!! On the New Year, many people visit shrine or temple in Japan. And many of…
What does Japanese Christmas Cake Mean? History and Meaning of Christmas Cake in Japan!!
As I am Japanese, I used to enjoy Christmas cake every year when I was a child. Well, even now,…
History of Japanese Manga! When is the origin?
Japanese comic, or manga became popular today. But it was not very popular like today in Japan when I was…
What is Japanese Religion Shintoism? What’s the percentage in Japan?
You might already know most Japanese don’t have a certain religion. Of course, there are people who believe in God…