Went to DESIGN FESTA Tokyo 50 (2019 Autumn)! It was an exiting event!!


Went to DESIGN FESTA for the fist time in a while, maybe decade.

DESIGN FESTA is the largest art event in Asia and held at Tokyo Big Sight every year.

Although I could not stay there long time (I had been there just for a few hours, I wanna share the atmosphere with the pictures.


DESIGN FESTA 50 (2019 Autumn)

DESIGN FESTAis the largest art event in Asia and you can enjoy art, Knick Knack, live paint, workshop, stage performance, foods, etc.

5000 booths with over 1500 artists a day join the event.

A wide variety of people regardless of age, generation and nationality displayed original works and did live-painting, performance, etc.

You can buy one-of-a-kind work here, too.

DESIGN FESTA started in 1994 and it became 25 years in this 2019.


DESIGN FESTA 50 (2019 Autumn)

Here I introduce original works of the artists with pictures.

By the way, its venue is the Tokyo Big Sight.

Mingo’s Illustration and Drawing

Mingo's Illustration

Drawn into the mystical pictures.

The artist told me that there were both works made by digital and hand.

Looks like it takes about 1 week to finish one work.
Understandable, especially when I see the very work up close.

I could also see a picture book.

A bit of fear and éeriness in the cute touch.
I like this combination very much!

Picture Book of Mingo

She told me that now she is making work of the story of a scarecrow which does not speak.
I’m really curious.

Illustration of Story of Scarecrow

Oh, I could read the story from following website!

I hope it published in a real book!

Website (Picture Book of Scarecrow) : https://mabusyan.wixsite.com/kabo

JH Chemical’s Illustration and Book

JH Chemical's Illustration


Attracted by the impact of the work.

What is JH? I thought and found that it is name, Mr. JohnHathway.

Looks like he is working on creative activities after the career of a researcher of quantum mechanics & experimentalist of antigravity (from twitter, I found).

Great in a various meaning!

Looks like he joins Japanese Comic Market every year, too.
I could read some of his illustration books.

JH Chemical's Illustrations and Books

Twitter : @JohnHathway

Kagee Inari

Kagee Inari

Attracted by the impact of shrine gate this time.

“May I take a picture and is it OK to upload it in my blog?”
I asked.

Kokuri (nodding)

Gokuri (swallow)
Looks like he doesn’t speak due to the character.

And he made a pose in front of the shrine gate, thank you very much.

What attracted me was offerings.

People donated sweets and snacks as they worried about his red (Japanese board on the picture says run in red this year)!

Even Kitsune (Fox) Udon of Donbei offered casually, people know him well.

Kagee Inari

It was good if I carried snack or something with me but didn’t, sorry.

Silent Flow’s Miniature

Silent Flow's Miniature

Ka, Kawaii!!

Here was surrounded by many people.

It says these are miniatures of a story which is dropped from a tiny book (From Twitter).

Animals came straight out of the world of Grimm Fairy Tales and Aesop’s Fables.

Very small, almost 100 yen size.

Silent Flow's Miniature

Kirin illustration’s Art and Painting

Kirin illustration's Art and Painting

This is a great work as well.

Based on the picture, these illustrations are made, the artist told me.

There is a case of making illustration based on the picture of the pet already died.

“There are also people who ask me of creating illustrations of their pets while they are alive”
He told me.

I asked with what tool he makes his works
“This is acrylic painting and the painting on the top-right is by colored pencils”
He replied me.

Just by colored pencils made such a great work!
Needless to say as he is a professional but still amazing!!

After listening to the request and taste of the customer, makes the one and only drawing. he says.

He told me that there was a person who cried after receiving his painting of a dog that already died.

It is really valuable work.

Nakayama Satsuki’s Postcard

Nakayama Satsuki's Illustration

This is also very popular!!

Wanko Soba and Neko Manma, interesting!

Wanko is a kind of cute nick name of dog in Japanese and Wanko Soba is a specialty of Iwate Prefecture.

Neko means cat in Japanese and Neko Manma is something like a kind of B-Grade food made of mixture of rice and bonito flake or miso soup.

Anyway, this is a pun postcard!

Nakayama Satsuki's Postcards

The illustration has a touch of the old style and cute.

Many people were buying a set of postcards.

I especially like Wanko Soba!

Posccard of Wanko Soba

Project.C.K.:X-CUTE’s Art and Illustration

Project.C.K.:X-CUTE's Art and Illustration

This art also stood out!

Pop, punk and cute design!

This is made by an art unit “Project.C.K.”, which consists of designers。

They also make a lot of illustration of CD jackets and books as well.

Project.C.K.:X-CUTE's Illustrations and Works

World Rainbow Stick Association’s Rainbow Stick

World Rainbow Stick Association's Rainbow Stick

This was very popular among children and their parents!

I think I myself saw this somewhere at other event.

Here is a workshop and you can make the rainbow stick together.

Looks like there are many techniques for this rainbow stick such as ribbon and jellyfish from beginner to 10 Dan (Level or Degree).

Might be fun to master it.



Godzilla? Death Saurer? Found!

All the models including airplane are made of a combination of a few centimeters’ aluminum plates.

Toy like LEGO which requires to use brain, isn’t it.


MEA’s Art and Illustraion

MEA&#039's Art and Illustraion

Maybe gothic lolita style?

Anyway it stood out.

I feel like I can find same kind of shop in Harajuku.

Does this parfait handmade?

High quality!

MEA's Parfait

Aoi art collection’s Art and Illustration

Aoi art collection's Art and Illustration

Looks like I can find them in a video game!

Mythical creatures drawn.

This is the work by a free illustrator.

Looks like the artist is now spreading the works overseas as well.

Certainly, I feel like the works attract attention not only from Japanese people but those from overseas.

Aoi art collection's Art and Illustration

Tsuki Akari Studio’s Sandpicture

Tsuki Akari Studio's Sandpicture

This was the first time to see Sandpicture and it was really beautiful.

I can’t convey it by the picture but upside down and the colored sands fall down from the top to make scenery like a sand dune.

Same one never appear even if you upside down again, so this is really the only one in the world, only the very moment painting.

I remember the Sahara Desert.

Tsuki Akari Studio's Sandpicture

TOYS CABIN’s Mini Figure

TOYS CABIN's Mini Figure

Enticed by Inutori.

This is a combination of Inu (Dog) and Tori (Bird).

I was a bit torn if I should have tried this Gashapon of Inutori.

Figure of Shigoto Neko (Working Cat) looks popular for TOYS CABIN.

Mini-sized Gosyuin Cho (Book for collection of shrine seals) and Hanafuda (Japanese playing cards) are also sold.

TOYS CABIN's Mini Figure Gosyuin Cho

TOYS CABIN's Mini Figure Hanafuda

Looks like Shigoto Neko and Hanafuda were popular as they had already been sold out when I came here.

Mari-San Bakery’s Wallet and Pencil Case

Mari-San Bakery

Very popular shop outside the hall was Mari-San Bakery.

Looks like very popular every year.

First, I thought they were selling real breads but what they actually were selling were handmade bread items.

Wallet of melon bread and pencil case of choco cornet (horn-shaped bread with chocolate filling inside).

All Kawaii!

Mari-San Bakery's Wallet of Melon Bread

Mari-San Bakery's Wallet and Pencil Case

There were people who take a picture with big hat of bread, too.

I separate the page here because of the page speed.
In next page “2”, I’ll introduce works at dark area and live paint, etc. ↓

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