Japanese Zodiac Sign 2025 and Predictions!

Happy New Year!
We have 12 animals in Japanese Zodiac!
Each animals has each characters and traits.
Let’s check the Japanese Zodiac Sign in 2025!
What is the Year of Snake? What’s the Meaning?
2025 is “the Year of the Snake (巳年)” in Japan.
In the Chinese zodiac, it’s “乙巳 (Kinotomi)”.
In the doctrine of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements, 乙 represents the yin energy of wood, and has the connotation of plants growing and spreading out.
The character 巳 represents fertility, or the state of plants having grown to their maximum.
So 乙巳 suggests that the efforts and preparations you have made up until today will start to bear fruit.
Year of the Snake is also said to be the year of new challenges and change.
Snakes are creatures that grow by repeatedly shedding their skin, so the year of the Snake is the year of flexible development through repeated regeneration and change.
They say there might be failures and difficulties but by accepting them as opportunities for new challenges, you can regenerate yourself and take another step forward.
If you wanna challenge something new, this year might be the good timing to try!
Personality and Character
People born in the year of the snake are said to be kind-hearted, hardworking and persistent.
The phrase ‘persistent and hardworking’ probably came from the fact that they don’t let go of their prey once they’ve latched on to it, and will lie in wait for their prey for days on end.
In addition, people born in the year of the snake are said to be quick-witted, calm and good at making objective judgments.
On the other hand, they are said to be secretive.
This is said to be because people born in the year of the snake tend to be afraid of others knowing their innermost thoughts.
It seems that they sometimes take time get to know people on a deeper level as they hide their true feelings.
Lucky Elements
There are auspicious things which bring you happiness and success for every Japanese Zodiac Signs.
Let’s look at the things that bring happiness and success to those who were born in the Year of the Snake?
Followings are the key things.
- ・Lucky Number : 2, 8, 9 (and numbers including these numbers such as 28)
- ・Lucky Day : 1 and 23 (Lunar Calendar)
- ・Lucky Color : Black, Red and Yellow
- ・Lucky Flower : Orchids, Cactus
- ・Auspicious Direction : East, West, Southwest
Zodiac Signs most compatible with the Year of the Snake
Each Zodiac Signs has compatible signs each other.
What Zodiac Sign is most most compatible with the Year of the Snake?
Year of the Ox, Year of the Monkey and Year of the Rooster are the most compatible.
People who were born in the year of the snake and the year of the ox have the common traits such as being tenacious and hardworking, and being able to see reality dispassionately.
The compatibility between the years of the snake and the year of the monkey is actually the complete opposite, but if they can accept each other’s differences, they can make up for each other’s shortcomings.
Also, because they have different perspectives, being together will broaden their horizons and allow them to improve, so they can maintain a good relationship.
Rooster also has the common traits with Snake like the case of Ox.
People who were born in the year of the snake and the year of the Rooster may seem cool on the outside, but they are the type who have a strong passion inside.
They are also calm and smart, so get along well together.
Of course, above things are just a guess like horoscope.
Still, it might be fun to check the compatibility with the other Japanese Zodiac signs
If you were born in the year of Ox, Monkey or Rooster, you can get along with those who were born in the Year of the Snake.
And if you were born in the Year of the Snake, check Japanese Zodiac Signs of people you are close to around you now.
They might be Ox, Monkey or Rooster!

Snakes were worshipped as a sacred creature in many countries.
I myself kept a portion of snake’s shed skin in my wallet when I was a kid as it was a lucky charm, we children at the time heard so at least.
It looks like people born in the year of the snake are kind, hardworking and persistent.
At the same time they are calm and smart.
Some of my relatives were actually born in the year of snake and certainly they fall on those characters.
1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013 are Year of Snake.
If your Japanese Zodiac Sign is Snake, this 2025 might also be a great year to start something new and to grow up!