Published e-book in English

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I’ve published an e-book in English!

Actually, I’ve already published an e-book in Japanese before, but this time I translated the e-book into English and published it through Amazon.

I think the theme is similar to what we call mindfulness in English.

I published the book with a free campaign for 5 days (12/14 – 12/19), so if you’re interested, please take a look.

I’m sorry if you read this article after the campaign as the standard price would be $2.99.

Since I didn’t published the book for business purposes that it was fine with me even for free, but I had to set the minimum price at $2.99 under the policy of Amazon.

If you are interested, please check the links below to go to Amazon Kindle.

English ver.

Subtle changes in awareness can alter your life dramatically

Subtle changes in awareness alter your life dramatically

Japanese ver.


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